Why Fresnel?

In 1823 Augustin-Jean Fresnel invented a better lens for lighthouses.  By dividing a conventional spherical lens into a set of concentric sections he fashioned a way to magnify light with far smaller, lighter and more efficient sections of glass.

His approach created lenses that cost less to make and install.  The lens amplified all of the light generated and it directed it in a narrower beam.  The resulting light beam had more power and focus and could be seen over 20 miles away.

Fresnel Partners is named after this revolutionary product.  We use our experience, expertise and processes to bring more power and focus to businesses.  And, just like Fresnel did almost 200 years ago, we do it cost effectively.

The first step to solving your critical business challenges is a simple, collaborative meeting so we can understand the challenges and opportunities that exist within the company today.  There is no obligation, and frequently, valuable ideas surface during this exploratory session.  To get started, call us today at 267-573-4759.