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3 Winning Sales Strategies You Can’t Market Without!

Anything’s tough to do if you don’t have the right materials to help you. These three winning marketing strategies are the right materials to an extremely successful business.

1. Attention-Getting Marketing Get Results – Think about it…how many advertisements do you hear every day…how about every hour? Let’s face it, we’re bombarded with magazine ads, newspaper ads, TV ads, radio ads, and the Internet is plastered with ads on every site. Not many of the astronomical number of advertisements stick with us, and make an impact. How can you make your ad STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD?

Make a dramatic statement: “Even my dog knows ….”

Surprise them with the unexpected: “Use for 30 days totally free…”

Ask a thought provoking question: “Is your current insurance costing you hundreds of extra dollars every year?”

Use high impact headlines – it’s important to snag their attention right away.

2. Get Personal – How many times have you been caught in the cycle of automated phone services? Yes, you push 15 numbers and end up back at the main menu and never did talk to a sales rep. People are hungry for personal interaction in the marketplace. Look for ways to make your business a personal experience that your customers will appreciate. Get to know something about the people who walk through your doors. Let the people who visit your website know something about you. Yes, it’s easier to trust an individual than a huge impersonal company…and trust is crucial to building a pool of loyal customers.

3. Paint a Picture – Ah, the end of a hectic week has finally arrived! As I lock the doors on a still cluttered office, my mind wanders to the many things that will demand my attention this weekend. I long to just escape the demanding voices…escape to the waters of the lake across town. It would be like heaven to plop myself across the back seat of a boat, and watch the sea gulls dip and dive as the waves rock me peaceful to sleep. Yep, I can almost hear the sound of their splashing when the clang of metal alerts me to the fact that I’ve dropped my keys.

Put your customers on the boat. Painting word pictures that capture their emotions will be more effective that the raw facts of the benefit your product offers. Describe what the benefits will do for them, vividly and in great detail…get them panting for the end result. Paint your way to a sale!

Think about it…the 3 tactics we’ve talked about deal with human emotions or behaviors, rather than your product itself. When we affect the inner part of the customer, our sales are likely to see great results… and hey, they’ll feel good while they’re writing out the check! What more could you ask for?

Two Little Words That Work Marketing Magic

In his classic best-seller, “How To Win Friends And Influence People,” Dale Carnegie’s second chapter is entitled The Big Secret of Dealing With People. The secret is summed up in this principle: Give honest and sincere appreciation.

Carnegie said there is only one way to get anybody to do anything–by making the person want to do it. How can you encourage customers to say good things about you and give you referrals? By giving them what they and all human beings crave: honest and sincere appreciation.

The Two Magic Words

The big secret of dealing with people (or customers) is often overlooked or forgotten. It’s simply saying “thank you” consistently, personally, and sincerely. These two words work marketing magic because customers want to feel important.

Saying “thank you” is an act of kindness, but don’t say “thank you” for the sake of flattery. It must be sincere. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “You can never say anything but what you are.”

“Thank You” Promotes Referrals

The uncertainty of referrals can be disconcerting. Can you control them? No. Can you influence them? Absolutely.

First you must provide a valuable product or service for customers. (You’re already doing this, right?) Perhaps you can make an even bigger difference in their minds by your continued interest after you’ve delivered the product or service.

Each customer has a different level of satisfaction with your products and services. However, all customers to whom you say “thank you” are satisfied that they’re important to you. This can determine whether you’ll continue a relationship with them and get referrals.

“Thank You” as Direct Mail or E-mail

If you’ve never used direct mail and are considering it, start a thank-you correspondence program. If you’ve used direct mail or e-mail but haven’t sent thank-you letters or e-mails, start now.

The thank-you letter or e-mail to your customers is targeted (you know them, they know you), personal, and effective. It’s guaranteed to receive a positive response.

Furthermore, it’s a pleasant surprise if it’s snail mail. They see your envelope. They think, this must be something for me to review, to sign, or worse a bill. Surprise! They’re appreciated; they’re important. And you’re the one telling them so.

Write a thank-you letter or e-mail at every opportunity. But don’t send one with an invoice or other correspondence. Always send it separately.

Writing the Thank-You Letter or E-mail

The thought behind a thank you letter or e-mail may seem simple, but writing one can be tricky. Here are nine tips for writing a winning thank-you letter or e-mail:

1. Keep it brief. A half dozen lines (or fewer) are sufficient.

2. Make it sincere. This is crucial. If you aren’t careful, it can sound awkward even when you’re trying to be sincere.

3. Start with “thank you.” Dear Ms. Johnson (or first name, if appropriate): Thank you for …

4. Make the tone warm, but professional. Be friendly, but keep it businesslike.

5. Reinforce a positive. Jog their memory of a positive aspect of the relationship.

6. Offer your continued support. If I can help, please call …

7. End with “thank you.” Thanks again for …

8. Use an appropriate closing. Sincerely, Best regards.

9. No ulterior motive. Make it a pure “thank you,” otherwise sincerity is jeopardized.

Remember: Saying “thank you” is part of building strong customer relationships over time. Use these two magic words consistently and watch your repeat business and referrals grow.

Interested in more of what Fresnel Partners does with Marketing Strategy? Get in touch today!